2013 Performance Indicators

Accountability Agreement Indicators 2013 Target 2013 Performance


% of high-risk food premises inspected once every 4 months while in operation 100% 99.5%
% of pools and public spas by class inspected while in operation. 100% 100%
% high-risk small drinking water systems inspections completed for those that are due for reinspection



% of confirmed gonorrhoea cases where initiation of follow-up occurred within 2 business days

100% 96.2%
% of confirmed invasive group A streptococcal disease cases where initiation of follow-up occurred on the same day as receipt of lab confirmation of a positive case. 100% 100%

% of HPV vaccine wasted that is stored and/or administered by the TBDHU

3.7% 10.3%
% of influenza vaccine wasted that is stored and/or administered by the TBDHU 5% 6.5%

% of school aged children who have completed immunizations for meningococcus

93.2% 91.8%
% of tobacco vendors in compliance with youth access legislation at the time of last inspection 90% 97.4%

Baby Friendly Initiative Status

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