Blue-Green Algae at Hawkeye Lake – Toxin Analysis

August 28, 2019 - The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has informed the Health Unit that the toxin analysis of the blue-green algae bloom on Hawkeye Lake has shown that toxins were not present in the sample. Note that this result reflects the water conditions when the lake was originally sampled on August 21, 2019. Please continue to exercise caution as blue-green algae blooms may recur and toxin production may vary for the rest of the season.

The Health Unit Needs Your Child’s Immunization Record

August 26, 2019 - With the start of another school year just a few weeks away, the Health Unit is reminding parents and guardians of the importance of submitting their child’s immunization record to the Health Unit. The Health Unit must review the records of all children enrolled in both school and licensed child care to ensure they are up-to-date on the immunizations they need to stay protected as well as the immunizations they are required to have according to Ontario law.

Blue-Green Algae Identified at Hawkeye Lake

August 23, 2019 - The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has confirmed the presence of blue-green algae in Hawkeye Lake. The MECP continues to investigate whether the blue-green algae identified is a toxin-producing strain. When blue-green algae is present in water, it is important to avoid drinking the water, using it for household purposes, or swimming in it. Keep pets away from the water as well, as there have been incidents in other jurisdictions where pets have died after drinking water containing blue-green algae.

Outbreak Declared: Hogarth Riverview Manor (4 North)

August 19, 2019 - Officials at the Health Unit and Hogarth Riverview Manor – Iris resident home area – (4 North), located at 300 N. Lillie Street, have declared an outbreak of a respiratory illness this morning.

All admissions, transfers, discharges and social activities have been cancelled until further notice. Visitors are restricted to family members and caregivers only, so please call the facility for more information.

Automobile Maintenance, Smoking and Health Equity

Let’s talk about cars for a bit. Many of us rely pretty heavily on our car and it’s important to us that they stay in good working condition. We bring them in for regular maintenance, oil changes, rotate the tires… all that stuff to get as many years of good driving out of them that we can. Now imagine you brought your car to the garage for an oil change and they noticed something really wrong with it. Something that could severely compromise the car’s performance and take years off its life. You’d expect them to ask you if you wanted it fixed, right?

Outbreak Over: Bethammi Nursing Home

June 28, 2019 - The outbreak of respiratory illness at Bethammi Nursing Home - facility-wide, located at 63 Carrie Street, has been declared over today at 11 am. All restrictions have been lifted.

The Health Unit is urging people to stay at home and refrain from visiting hospitals, long-term care facilities and retirement homes when feeling unwell to avoid spreading infections to those most vulnerable: young infants and children, the elderly and those with other chronic illnesses.

The Health Unit reminds the public to prevent getting and spreading infections by:

Outbreak Over: Southbridge Pinewood

June 27, 2019 - The facility-wide outbreak of gastrointestinal illness at Southbridge Pinewood, located at 2625 E. Walsh Street, has been declared over today at 10am. All restrictions have been lifted.

The Health Unit is urging people to stay at home and refrain from visiting hospitals, long-term care facilities and retirement homes when feeling unwell to avoid spreading infections to those most vulnerable: young infants and children, the elderly and those with other chronic illnesses.

The Health Unit reminds the public to prevent getting and spreading infections by:

HIV Outbreak

June 25, 2019 - TBDHU is declaring an HIV outbreak that is centred in the homeless/under-housed population in the city of Thunder Bay. This is the same population that is disproportionately impacted by the ongoing tuberculosis outbreak.

The outbreak declaration comes after a recent spike of cases in May and June bringing the total number since January 1st to 8 cases with 2 additional cases under investigation. Transmission is through sexual activity and sharing needles for injection drug use. There are likely further cases that have not yet been diagnosed.

Outbreak Declared: Bethammi Nursing Home – Facility-Wide

June 19, 2019 - Officials at the Health Unit and Bethammi Nursing Home, located at 63 Carrie Street, have extended the respiratory outbreak today to facility-wide.

Admissions, transfers, discharges and social activities have been cancelled for this unit until further notice. Visitors to this unit are restricted to family members and caregivers only, so please call the facility for more information.