Board of Health

The Board of Health has been established by the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA), RSO 1990, and Regulations, as the governing body and policy maker for public health units.

The Board of Health is accountable to the communities within its jurisdiction and to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care for carrying out the minimum requirements for fundamental public health programs and services of the Ontario Public Health Standards. The Board of Health is ultimately responsible through the Chief Executive Officer and Medical Officer of Health for all operations within the respective health unit.


Board Structure

The Thunder Bay District Board of Health has 14 members and is largely made up of elected representatives from the local municipal councils. The board has 12 municipal members (Ontario Regulation 559, Section 27) and 2 positions appointed by the Lieutenant Governor General (provincial appointee). For more information on the Board, visit the Board Members page.


Roles and Responsibilities

Board of Health Responsibilities

The Board shall:

  • Establish general policies and procedures which govern the operation of the health unit;
  • Be accountable to the community for ensuring that its health needs are addressed by the appropriate programs and ensuring that the health unit is well managed;
  • Establish overall objectives and priorities for the organization in its provision of health programs and services, to meet the needs of the community;
  • Appoint a full-time Chief Executive Officer;
  • Appoint a full-time Medical Officer of Health and may appoint one or more Associate Medical Officers of Health with the approval of the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care; and
  • Be responsible for assessing the performance of the Medical Officer of Health.


Board Member Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the Members of the Thunder Bay District Board of Health include:

  • having a commitment to and an understanding of the purpose, policies and programs of the health unit;
  • representing the health unit in the community;
  • maintaining a clear understanding of the financial position of the health unit and ensuring that the finances are adequate and responsibly managed;
  • serving in a volunteer capacity without regard for remuneration or profit;
  • being able to work and participate within a group, as a team;
  • being supportive of the organization and its management;
  • attending board meetings and actively participating, including service on committees and as officers;
  • evaluating Board of Health performance;
  • knowing and maintaining the lines of communication between the board and staff;
  • being responsible for continuing self-education and growth;
  • being familiar with local resources;
  • being aware of changing community trends and needs;
  • attending related community functions; and
  • having a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
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