
Concussions Hurt - teenage female soccer player

A concussion is a brain injury. It is caused by any blow to the head or a blow to the body which causes a sudden shaking of the head. It affects the way a child may think and remember things, and can cause a variety of symptoms.

Here is a Concussions page from Parachute Canada that can help you understand more about concussions.

Check out this primer on concussions from Dr. Mike Evans:


Concussion Symptoms
Thinking Problems Child's Complaints Other Problems
  • General confusion
  • Memory problems
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Knocked out
  • Headache
  • Dizziness, nausea or vomiting
  • Vision, balance, or coordination problems
  • Sensitivity to light or noise
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sleepiness
  • Blank stare/glassy eyed
  • Slurred speech
  • Slow to answer questions or follow directions
  • Strange or inappropriate emotions (i.e. laughing, crying, getting mad easily)
  • Personality changes

Concussions Hurt - young boy on slide

Return to Learn

Sometimes children who have a concussion may find it hard to concentrate in school and may get a worse headache or feel sick to their stomach if they are in school. Children should stay home from school if their symptoms get worse while they are in class. Once they feel better, they can try going back to school part time to start (eg. for half days initially) and if they are okay with that, then they can go back full time.

For more information, see Resources for Educators (Parachute Canada).


Returning to Play

  1. No activity right after a concussion, only complete rest. Once back to normal (no symptoms) and cleared by a doctor, begin slowly.
  2. Light exercise. Activities such as walking or stationary cycling for 10-15 minutes. Should be supervised by someone.
  3. Activities that pertain to a specific sport of interest can begin (i.e. skating in hockey, running in soccer), for 20-30 minutes. NO CONTACT (i.e. no checking, no heading the ball, etc.).4. .
  4. Practice with body contact, once cleared by a doctor.

For more information, see Parachute Canada's Concussion Guidelines for Parents / Caregivers (PDF):


Common Concerns

How long will it take for my child to get better?

The only way to heal a brain is to rest it. It may take weeks or months to heal.


Concussions Hurt - young girl, batcatcher


​​For Further Information

Call the Injury Prevention Program: (807) 625-5900

or toll-free 1-888-294-6630

Last Updated: