
Taking care of your teeth is important!

Regular dental care helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay in your mouth. Dental professionals (like dentists and dental hygienists) work with you to help keep your mouth healthy by cleaning your teeth, looking inside your mouth, and teaching you…

Recommendations for Outbreak Prevention and Control in Institutions and Congregate Living Settings (April 2024)
This information is intended for a range of congregate living settings such as homeless shelters, group homes and supportive housing.
As facility operators and leaders providing much-…

The Thunder Bay District Health Unit offers free dental services for eligible children and youth 17 and under.


Dental Screening

Screening consist of a visual inspection by a registered dental hygienist to identify obvious dental conditions that are causing or will cause pain and will…

Healthy Smiles Ontario (HSO) is a government-funded program that provides free dental care for children and youth 17 years old and under. This program covers regular and emergency dental care for eligible children.


Who is Eligible?

Children and youth 17 and under may be eligible if:…

The best thing you can do for your child’s oral health is to be a good example. If you are brushing and flossing daily, your child will learn that taking care of their mouth is part of daily hygiene. But, until they are old enough, you will have to look after their oral health for…

It is important to establish good oral health habits early. Poor oral health can impact a child’s ability to socialize, receive proper nutrition, sleep, and learn. Ultimately, oral health has an impact on overall health and overall, poor oral health can contribute to many health problems, including…

Below you will find tips and answers to common questions related to food, nutrition and COVID-19.
There are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19, including the variants of concern, being spread through food or food packaging.

expand_moreGrocery Shopping Tips

In Store

Help pick up things for…

Child care facilities (daycares) licensed under the Child Care and Early Years Act are required to meet and maintain specific provincial standards to protect the health, safety and well-being of the children. Licenses must be renewed at least every year.
The Thunder Bay District Health Unit is…