Improving Health Equity

A Community is Stronger When We All Have an Opportunity for Good Health

In addition to understanding how the social determinants of health play a major role in health, it is also important to understand how to provide everyone with a fair chance to live a healthy life. Health equity is a term used to describe a fair and just approach to improving everyone’s ability to achieve his/her full health potential.  Health equity is about removing barriers, improving access, and supporting people where and when necessary, to make sure that all members of our community have the same opportunity to be healthy and live a longer more enjoyable life.  

How Can We Improve the Population's Chance to Achieve Good Health? 

Practicing health equity means reducing the negative effects of poverty and allowing everyone to have the same opportunity to access the healthcare system, the education system, a safe home environment, and nutritious food to eat.  By working together as a community, we can encourage change, reduce barriers, and improve overall access so that outcomes are fair and everyone has a chance to achieve good health. 

Ways to be More Involved in Improving Health Equity

  • Buy local foods and products in your community.  Money invested in the local economy stays local and benefits everyone in the community.  
  • Donate your time to volunteer in the many different agencies around the district that help to support our community citizens.
  • Share your talents and skills with others such as music, gardening, cooking, or support friends and neighbours with transportation.
  • Support an after school low-cost or no-cost activity such as an art or music program, a reading program, hockey, soccer, or another fitness activity.
  • Contact your MP or MPP about issues that need attention at the federal or provincial level, support issues such as food insecurity, affordable, safe housing, and available childcare, raising social assistance rates, and exploring liveable incomes.

What other ways are there for you to be more involved in health equity?  For more ideas, watch this video from the Sudbury and District Health Unit:


For Further Information

Call the Thunder Bay District Health Unit: (807) 625-5900

or toll-free 1-888-294-6630

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