2SLGBTQI+ Resources

This page contains a curated list of both local and provincial/federal resources, as well as information on a local working group that provides a network for professionals and other interested parties. This list was updated on April 4, 2024.

Upcoming trainings and workshops, suggested by SAGE members, are highlighted under "Thunder Bay and District Resources" below.

If you have a suggestion for additional resources or trainings/workskhops, please contact TBDHU by emailing  SAGE@tbdhu.com.

Terminology and Acronyms

Terminology and acronyms are continuously evolving. The 2SLGBTQI+ represents Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and additional people who identify as part of sexual and gender diverse communities. The “2S” at the front recognizes Two-Spirit people as the first 2SLGBTQI+ communities. The “I” for intersex considers sex characteristics beyond sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. The “+” is inclusive of people who identify as part of sexual and gender diverse communities, who use additional terminologies.

SAGE – Sexuality and Gender Equity Working Group

Co-facilitated by TBDHU and Norwest Community Health Centres, SAGE is intended to be a support network for community members including health care providers, social service providers, educators, activists, and more.

SAGE intends to connect agencies and individuals, and share resources and educational opportunities. The group meets virtually every 2 months (September, November, January, March, May).

For help finding specific resources, updates on SAGE activities, or inquiries about meetings, please email SAGE@tbdhu.com.


For Further Information

Call the Sexual Health Clinic: 625-5900 or email SAGE@tbdhu.com.

or toll-free: 1-888-294-6630

Last Updated: