Sit Less and Move More Often!

Sit Less and Move More Often

Reducing and breaking up sitting time is beneficial to health. Simple, low-intensity activities such as standing, walking, taking the stairs, and stretching, done intermittently throughout the day is just as beneficial to your health as structured exercise! Below are some additional tips to reduce your sedentary behaviour at work, home and school.

Sit Less and Move More Tips

  • Break up long periods of sitting as often as possible.
  • Actively commute to work (walk, bike, etc.).
  • If you work at a computer, set a timer to remind yourself to move every hour.
  • Try a walking or standing meeting.
  • Take an active break – go for a brisk walk with coworkers instead of sitting.
  • Stand when you’re on the phone or when someone enters your work space to talk to you.
  • Use the furthest washroom.
  • Park further away from the building.

Fast Facts

  • Even if you meet the physical activity guidelines (150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week) sitting for long periods of time is detrimental to health.
  • Replacing sedentary behaviour with additional physical activity and trading light physical activity for more moderate to vigorous physical activity, while preserving sufficient sleep, can provide health benefits. (Reference: CSEP)
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