Outbreak Status

PLEASE NOTE: This page provides up to date information about active outbreaks within the Thunder Bay and District.

An outbreak is declared in a facility when there is a higher than normal rate of respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms among the residents. The public are notified through this page to make sure the many individuals who visit these facilities are aware before they go.

To reduce the spread of illness, it is important to follow the signage posted by the facility as well as all recommendations from staff about personal protective equipment (e.g. masks).

Finally, please avoid visits to any Long-term Care or Retirement Home when you are feeling sick to avoid spreading illness to the residents.

Outbreaks are updated on our website Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays).

Outbreaks will be removed from this page one week after an outbreak is declared over.

Outbreaks in Effect

Updated: July 26, 2024

Facility Name Virus Type Affected Area(s) Date Declared Date Declared Over
St. Joseph's Hospital Respiratory (COVID-19) 2 South - Medically Complex Services July 24, 2024  
St. Joseph's Heritage Respiratory Bethammi Nursing Home 3rd Floor July 17, 2024 July 27, 2024
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Center Respiratory (COVID-19) Transitional Care Unit July 15, 2024  
St. Joseph's Hospital Respiratory (COVID-19) 2 North - Medically Complex Services July 12, 2024  

​​​​​TBDHU recommends layers of protection to reduce the risk of getting and spreading infections by:

  • Monitor for symptoms and stay home if sick to avoid spreading infections to others.
  • Wear a well-fitted mask in indoor spaces, especially when around vulnerable people or when recovering from illness.
  • Stay up to date on all vaccines including the seasonal flu shot and all doses of COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Wash hands often, for at least 15 seconds with soap and warm water, or by using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or elbow and put tissues in the garbage right away.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
  • Keep indoor spaces well ventilated (i.e. open windows).
  • Be familiar with the Ontario screening tool, to self-assess and know what to do next.


For Further Information

Call the Infectious Disease or Environmental Health Programs: (807) 625-5900

or toll-free 1-888-294-6630

Last Updated: